Preface In this chapter, we will discuss about DFS(Depth-first Search) and BFS(Breadth-first Search). They are two important concepts in the algorithm and they are widely used. ...
Harry XiongOriginalAbout 7 minarticleStackQueueDFSBFS
Preface In this chapter, I want to summarize the sort algorithm. As we all know, there are 10 common sort algorithms. And I don't want to do too much foreshadowing. Let's see a ...
Disjoint Set Main idea The main idea of a “disjoint set” is to have all connected vertices have the same parent node or root node, whether directly or indirectly connected. To c...
Preface In this article, I would like to summarize recursion from my own perspective. For a long time, I haven't had a clear idea to solve recursion problems. I think it is abst...