Welcome 👋 Hello buddies! Welcome to my Blog! 🤟 Briefly Intro I am a coder with a strong interest in software development, especially in the field of Web applications developme...
::: info 6/19/2023 The English version of the blog was only recently built. All my articles and study notes were recorded in Chinese, so there is currently no English version of...
Preface In this chapter, we will discuss about DFS(Depth-first Search) and BFS(Breadth-first Search). They are two important concepts in the algorithm and they are widely used. ...
Harry XiongOriginalAbout 7 minarticleStackQueueDFSBFS
Preface In this chapter, I want to summarize the sort algorithm. As we all know, there are 10 common sort algorithms. And I don't want to do too much foreshadowing. Let's see a ...
Disjoint Set Main idea The main idea of a “disjoint set” is to have all connected vertices have the same parent node or root node, whether directly or indirectly connected. To c...
Preface In this article, I would like to summarize recursion from my own perspective. For a long time, I haven't had a clear idea to solve recursion problems. I think it is abst...
I am looking forward to meeting you! App Name My Account :--: :--------- GitHub (https://github.com/HarryXiong24) Gmail (mailto:harryxiong24@gmail.com) Instagram (https://www.in...